Governments and USAID Missions need frequent access to data to monitor achievements against primary health care goals and to mitigate the impact of any new health threats. Data.FI develops and employs evidence-based approaches to ensuring that data are used to inform meaningful change and save lives.

These illustrative publications share our experience strengthening host-country government capacity to develop and maintain sustainable information systems, helping to ensure that data are used to inform meaningful change and save lives.

Standardizing the Collection of Gender-Identity Data for HIV Programming
As donor governments and multilateral donors widen their guidance on what gender data to collect, it leaves to evaluators, program designers, and researchers the question of how much is appropriate and useful to tailor interventions to reach crucial groups and where to draw the line on what might attract unwanted scrutiny on people we aim to help. This paper lays out considerations on data to address unique needs of at-risk groups while doing no harm.

Strengthening data-driven approaches to planning human resources for health: A new tool for PEPFAR-supported programs
Smart investment in human resources for health is more important than ever given the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Last year Data.FI partnered with USAID to develop a digital tool, the HRH Solution, that links human resources and program data to analyze staffing needs for HIV service delivery. USAID’s initial application of HRH Solution helped 14 country teams to optimize staffing investments during Country Operational Plan (COP21) planning. Recent enhancements to the tool will provide PEPFAR teams with additional analytical features to inform planning and resource allocation for COP22.

Accelerating Progress Toward the 95-95-95 Goals Through the Use of People-Centered Metrics and Value-Based HIV Care
Global efforts to address the HIV epidemic have reached a point where investing more in existing programs may not yield desired outcomes. A primary challenge is ensuring services meet people where they are with what they need. Through an iterative process of consultation with PLHIV advocates, global HIV experts, and secondary research, Data.FI developed: (1) a set of people-centered outcomes metrics grounded in the principles of value-based care; and (2) a set of indicators and a practical set of implementation considerations for people-centered outcome measurement.  This overview shares approaches for country programs to put people-centered HIV metrics into action.

Traditional data quality assessments (DQAs) can be costly, and time- and labor-intensive. Data.FI developed a remote DQA methodology to review partner-reported data. This makes it possible to continue routine monitoring in emergency settings or when travel is not possible. This brief outlines best practices for conducting a DQA remotely, and covers preparations for conducting a remote DQA, including indicator selection, data collection tool development, and key informant interviews.

Identifying people living with HIV and improving ART coverage in USAID-supported states in Nigeria
To achieve the global treatment targets for epidemic control, people living with HIV need to be diagnosed with the disease and linked to health facilities to access antiretroviral treatment. In this Data.FI brief, we highlight barriers to HIV testing and ART coverage in 11 states in Nigeria and present efforts by USAID implementing partners and state governments to address testing and treatment gaps.

Participatory data review to overcome challenges in achieving key project indicators in Togo
A Data.FI analysis of data from 15 sites in Togo on HIV testing targets showed a very high seropositivity rate compared to the PEPFAR program’s target. The reasons for these high seropositivity rates included a failure to report all tests performed by partner clinics, and uneven use of a risk assessment form to identify clients eligible for HIV by site providers. This brief describes the participatory approach used and corrective actions developed with the site providers to resolve implementation challenges.

Data analysis spurs intensified efforts to implement index testing
In Liberia, Data.FI worked with the National AIDS Control Program and a USAID implementing partner to examine performance against annual HIV testing targets, testing and yield by district, and index testing. Pervasive stigma faced by people living with HIV and key populations were contributing to the difficulty implementing index testing. This brief describes analytic approaches and actions taken to improve index testing.

Optimizing HIV testing performance in selected PEPFAR sites
Stakeholders in Burkina Faso participated in a data analysis meeting to facilitate decision making with the goal of improving HIV testing services. Analyses of data on testing efforts revealed unmet targets in the number of people tested, given insufficient performance at some sites; and two facilities reported high seropositivity rates, reflecting an insufficient number of screening tests. This brief describes how analysis of performance resulted in recommendations to improve service delivery.

Harmonizing data reporting to improve HIV care and treatment for OVC in Nigeria’s Akwa Ibom State
Data.FI collaborated with implementing partners (IPs) supporting orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) and HIV treatment programs in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria, to conduct desk reviews with facility validation to address discrepancies in the number of OVC ages 0-14 currently on treatment. We analyzed and visualized the pediatric treatment data reported by the IPs, convened meetings with them for feedback on the facility validation process, then developed visualizations of the outcome of the data reconciliation process. This work informed planning by the IPs for activities to achieve pediatric antiretroviral treatment saturation, including to establish a bilateral referral system. Data.FI’s support contributed to significant improvements in the TX-CURR data gap reported by OVC and HIV treatment IPs, which decreased from 3,150 clients to only 47.

Improving retention of clients on ART in Akwa Ibom State
Data.FI and stakeholders in Akwa Ibom, Nigeria, identified the need to review retention of clients on antiretroviral treatment, with the aim of minimizing the number of clients with interruption in treatment at the local government area and facility levels. Data.FI prepared an in-depth analysis at the health facility level of program loss as a proxy for ART retention.

Human Resources for Health Needs and Optimization Planning Solution
Data.FI developed a user-friendly, analytic tool to link human resources for health (HRH) and program data―to be used in a standardized way across operating units to analyze HRH needs and PEPFAR HRH support, and to inform program and funding decisions.

Improving Initiation of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis among Key Populations in Akwa Ibom, Cross River, and Lagos States
Data.FI works with USAID partner Heartland Alliance in Nigeria to unpack data and pinpoint solutions to improve pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) distribution using one-stop shops for key populations.

Improving Linkages to HIV Treatment in Kebbi, Kwara, Niger, Sokoto, and Zamfara States
Data.FI collaborates with the USAID-funded SHARP project to review data on linkage to care and action plan around strategies to address identified gaps.

Improving Viral Load Testing Coverage across USAID-Supported States in Nigeria
Data.FI highlights gaps in viral load testing in 16 Nigerian states and presents efforts by implementing partners to address these testing gaps.

Improving Patient Retention on Antiretroviral Treatment through High-Frequency Reporting in Lagos State
An understanding of which clients face treatment interruptions, and why, is needed to tailor client-based care. Read how Data.FI Nigeria works with implementing partners to use high-frequency reporting data in Lagos State to improve and customize client-level interventions targeting continuity of treatment.

Improving Patient Retention on Antiretroviral Treatment through High-Frequency Reporting in Cross River State
Data.FI provides USAID and implementing partners detailed information using high-frequency reporting data at the facility and local government area (LGA) level in Cross River State to inform targeting of treatment continuity interventions.

Improving Patient Retention on Antiretroviral Treatment through High-Frequency Reporting in Akwa Ibom State
High-frequency reporting data allows USAID-supported facilities in Nigeria to conduct continuity of treatment analyses. Data.FI analyses high-frequency data in Akwa Ibom State to help HIV clients avoid treatment interruptions.

Do Site Improvement Indicator Results Make a Difference in Patient Retention?
Continuity of HIV treatment correlates with viral load suppression and lower HIV transmission risk. Read how Data.FI uses SIMS data in Nigeria to measure quality of care and assess continuity of treatment at the site level.